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Marking Suspects for Little Cherry Disease

Saturday Jun 15, 2024

If you see a tree that has some branches yielding small, misshapen or bitter fruits, this may be LChD (See back ofpage). Leaf samples will be collected for molecular analysis and confirmation of the disease. If you think you mayhave a tree with LChD, use any colour of flagging tape to mark the tree with 3 bands around the trunk and 3around one branch as seen below. Marking the tree in this distinct way before harvest (when the LChDsymptomatic fruit can be observed) will streamline the sampling process and maximize the efforts of our smallfield team.

Once the tree is marked, contact Diana she can add your orchard to our sample collection list. The samples willbe collected sometime after harvest.

“As outlined in Canada’s Plant Protection Act, any detection of a known or potential plant pest in an area of Canada where the pest has not previously been known to exist must be reported to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). In the event that Little Cherry or Western X disease are detected during this survey, the CFIA will be notified and CFIA will put appropriate controlmeasures in place. Typically, this involves the restriction of propagation, although vector control or removal of diseased material is always encouraged. It is important to note that even when removal of diseased material is the most efficient control strategy, the CFIA will not order mandatory removal of any trees found to be infected with either of these pests. Removal decisions will rest withthe individual in care and control of the infected trees.” -Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)