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Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella)

Friday Jun 21, 2024

Codling moth larvae showing typical tunnelling behaviour

Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella)

Codling moths have long been pests in Okanagan orchards, and this week we discussed the importance of the SIR program in controlling local codling moth populations with Evan Esch of the Okanagan-Kooteney Sterile Release program (SIR).
Why is it a problem?
The codling moth is a common pest of both apples and pears in the Okanagan Valley, causing damage to the fruit itself by its feeding habits, which can appear as either small stings on the fruit, or as frass collecting at the exit hole on the surface of the fruit, making the fruit unmarketable.
Where does it come from?
Codling moths overwinter in cocoons in apple and pear orchards, and begin to fly in the spring. Moths which survive to adulthood will mate and lay eggs onto the developing leaves and fruitlets in the orchard, and in 10-14 days will develop into larvae which will tunnel into apple and pears and feed on the nutritious seeds of the growing fruit. Once inside the fruit, the control of codling moth is very difficult as they are protected within the fruit and unfortunately out of reach from many control measures.  
Pheremone traps are an important part of monitoring codling moth populations in your orchard. The trapping and monitoring of SIR staff help inform growers of both wild and sterile codling moth populations, and in doing so, allow growers to be informed about the necessity of control actions. In order to be most effective however, growers should use trapping information together with the codling moth model on the BC DAS system in order to know not only if, but when to spray. 
How the BC DAS system can help: Keeping you Informed + Equipped
The BC Das system allows growers to be informed about the emergence of adult and egg-laying codling moths in the growers' specific geographic location. Using information on degree days, as well as maximum and minimum temperatures and DDC from the local weather stations that the grower has selected as being reflective for their orchard, the BC DAS system provides the grower with up to date information regarding the various stages of codling moths, including the predicted egg laying period beginning at approximatly 230 degree days. The combination of pulled weather information and the upcoming forecast will prompt the system to send out notifications to alert growers for when control measures are best suited for use. 
Additionally, the BC Das system has control measures incorporated into the codling moth model webpage. The DAS Spray Guide offers different spray options, rates and timings and management options with or without mating disruption (MD), which allows growers to plan their sprays for their specific situation. The BC Das System also provides the grower to select for product options currently registered for either conventional or organic use. By following along on the BC DAS model, the grower will have access to timely information and knowledge of the tools currently available to control codling moth populations in their orchard.  
Still interested in finding out more? Check out our BC DAS Codling Moth model video on YouTube to connect horticultural knowledge from the field with the online DAS program: