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Campylomma (Mullein Plant Bug)

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Campylomma on beating board fabric surface
Campylomma damage on apple fruitlet

Campylomma (Mullein Plant Bug)

Why is it a problem?
Campylomma is a common pest in North American orchards including in apple and pears. During fruit development, the feeding habits of Campylomma on immature fruit can cause damage to the fruit surface, resulting in mishapen fruit. Mishapen, or distorted fruit can cause significant loss at harvest as imperfect fruit does not earn the highest finanical return. Under balanced orchard management, the presence of Campylomma can actually be beneficial, as it can biologically control aphids and pear psylla populations in the orchard. Campylomma populations usually only become a concern to growers when conventional management has been used, and campylomma populations flourish due to its ability to cope with broad spectrum control products. 
Where does Campylomma come from?
Campylomma overwinter in the tissue of woody plants, and Campylomma eggs typically hatch during or shortly after bloom. A total of 5 instars typically comprimise the Campylomma lifespan.
How the BC DAS system can help: Keeping you Informed + Equipped
The BC Das system allows growers to be informed about the current risk of Campylomma populations in the growers' specific geographic location. Using information on temperature and degree days, the BC DAS system provides the grower with up to date information regarding potential risks for Campylomma populations. In order for the BC DAS system to be most accurate, the grower must follow along with the model in conjuction with limb taps (beats) in their own orchard in order to be fully informed about Campylomma populations throughout the growing season and avoid loss.
The DAS Spray Guide offers different spray options, rates and timings, allowing growers to plan their sprays for coverage, as well as allowing the grower to select for product options currently registered for conventional use. Due to its beneficial nature, no control measures are listed under organic management. By following along on the BC DAS model, the grower will have timely information and knowledge of the tools currently available to protect against Campylomma populations in their orchard.  
Still interested in finding out more? Check out our BC DAS Campylomma model video on YouTube to connect horticultural knowledge from the field with the online DAS program: